Fixing :perl: warning: Setting locale failed." errors on a Debian or Ubuntu system.
Submitted by soccerfiend on Sat, 2011-08-13 11:51The short short version is that I run the following four commands in sequence:
- export LANGUAGE=en_CA:en
- export LANG=en_CA.UTF-8
- locale-gen en_CA.UTF-8
- dpkg-reconfigure locales
Of course this example is specific to a Canadian English UTF-8 system. In the US, the language might be defined as something like en_US.UTF-8.
How to restore your GNOME panel bar after accidentally removing it.
Submitted by soccerfiend on Sat, 2011-03-26 14:27In the /etc/xdg/menus
folder are the templates for the default menus. The one we are interested in is "".
Simply copy this file to your /home/<usr_id>/.config/menus/
directory and then rename it to ""
I got this tip from the following forums:
Resizing your Linux based NAS
Submitted by soccerfiend on Sun, 2011-02-27 15:50Warning, if the data is important or mission critical, BACK IT UP! One wrong step and you could very likely hose all of your data!
The first thing we need to do is replace the drives, one at time. This may take a while (about 4 hours per disk on my machine) as the array has to be rebuilt each and every time you replace a drive. During this period you are vulnerable to data loss as you no longer have a valid parity drive. If another disk fails in this time period then will likely lose your data. In case you missed it before, BACK UP YOUR IMPORTANT DATA FIRST!
On my machine the drives were installed into hot swappable drive trays, and the SATA chipset supported hot swapping. Your system may differ, in which case you may need to shutdown and reboot to swap every drive.
On my machine I just removed the first drive. I checked dmesg and noticed that the drive I removed was /dev/sdd.
MMCKaspersky Administration Kit does not Launch.
Submitted by soccerfiend on Tue, 2011-02-01 17:31MMC cannot open the file C:\Program Files\Kaspersky Lab\Kaspersky Administration Kit\CS Admin kit.msc.The solution is to simply delete the file located in C:\Documents and Settings\AdminUser\Application Data\Microsoft\MMC\CS Admin Kit. Of course replace the AdminUser part with the username you are using. For MS Server 2008, Vista, and Windows 7, that path will be C:\Users\AdminUser\Application Data\Microsoft\MMC\CS Admin Kit.
This may be because the file does not exist, is not an MMC console, or was created by a later version of MMC. This may also be because you do not have sufficient access rights to the file".
Fedora Equivalent to Debian/Ubuntu's build-essential
Submitted by soccerfiend on Sun, 2011-01-23 00:41Anyway, I have grown very used to having certain bundles available to me. For example, on debian or Ubuntu, I would
sudo aptitude install build-essential
to get all of the required packages for compiling software. It seems that Fedora does this a little differently. For the moment, the closest equivalent to build-essential that I could find is:
sudo yum groupinstall "Development Tools" "Development Libraries"
More to follow on my adventures in RPM-land.
How to manually remove stuck printer jobs from a Windows based print server
Submitted by soccerfiend on Tue, 2010-12-21 14:53First we stop the the print spooler. I like doing this from the command line like so:
- net stop spooler
but you can just as easily stop the spooler from the "Services" control panel applet.
The next step is to delete the temporary files that store the data that is to be sent to the printer:
- del %systemroot%\system32\spool\printers\*.shd
- del %systemroot%\system32\spool\printers\*.spl
Finally we restart the print spooler, again from the CLI:
- net start spooler
Credit where credit is due, this info I pulled from There were a lot of results when I search Google, but this one went straight to the point (I like that).