CPU frequency scaling
Updated CPU frequency scaling script
Submitted by soccerfiend on Mon, 2012-04-23 17:32This is an update to my earlier command line frequency scaling script. This version uses the dialog utility to provide a rudimentary GUI.
- #!/bin/bash
- # Wrapper to easily set the CPU Frequency Governor
- # dialog is a utility installed by default on all major Linux distributions.
- # But it is good to check availability of dialog utility on your Linux box.
- which dialog &> /dev/null
- [ $? -ne 0 ] && echo "Dialog utility is not available, please install it" && exit 1
- # Check that a valid governor is set
- # Creating an array with each of the CPUs numeric ID
- declare -a CPUs=( `cat /proc/cpuinfo |grep processor |cut -f 2 -d \:` )
- # Setting up the dialogue interface:
- dialog --clear --backtitle "Console Based CPU Governor Selection" --title "MAIN MENU" \
- --menu "Use [UP/DOWN] key to move" 18 100 6 \
- "performance" "Set for maximum performance, watch the temp!" \
- "ondemand" "Usually the default, scale speed up as required." \
- "conservative" "Conservatively scale up as required." \
- "powersave" "Maximum power savings or lowest temp." \
- "userspace" "Send control to a userspace application." \
- "EXIT" "TO EXIT" 2> menuchoices.$$
- # This computes the number of elements in the array, we use this to control our loop in the SetSpeed function
- elements="${#CPUs[*]}"
- SetSpeed ()
- {